Join us for a unique itinerary to the remote wilderness of the Antarctic Peninsula
Click here or the image below to watch our new film documenting this trip-of-a-lifetime.

Our trips and itineraries are customized for those with an adventure-driven spirit; providing our clients with a unique opportunity to trek, ski and snowboard several of the White Continent’s untamed peaks. Journey deep into the rugged landscape of one of earth’s last frontiers while enjoying the convenience, safety and luxury of the Ocean Albatros expedition ship. Sail past Cape Horn, across the Drake Passage and along the Antarctic Peninsula and join an exclusive group of intrepid travelers inspired by the legacy of Antarctic discovery.
Experience true modern exploration as you travel to a land covered by glaciers, never conquered by man. Travel through alleys of icebergs and study the blue mystery of such extraordinary formations of nature. Explore harbors and bays while surrounded by clouds of seabirds and become enveloped in the raw magnificence. Witness the profound beauty and isolation of a land covered by ice. Listen to glaciers calve and observe with wonder minke whales, black-browed albatross, snow petrels, penguins and seals.
Ponder the complexity of the fragile and dynamic ecosystem of the Antarctic Peninsula. Daily shore landings, lectures and zodiac excursions will cover the history, biology, geology and politics of our Southernmost continent. Actively explore this frontier or contemplate the social structure of a penguin colony. If you’re interested in this opportunity of a lifetime or want to learn more about the experience and hear from some of our past clients, you’re going to want to watch our new video by clicking the button below.